Join us on the Catalyst couch

Join us on the Catalyst couch

Jun 17, 2019 | Catalyst thoughts

There’s nothing we love more at Catalyst than our clients popping in for a visit.

So come join us for a meeting and we’ll spoil you with delicious food, glorious views over Oxford’s Wytham Woods and even a chance to take on the Catalyst Stairs Challenge. (There’s no pressure – absolutely no visitors have taken us up on the challenge so far, but we live in hope.)

After a truly inspiring meeting, you can take in the sights of Oxford too. Wander through a majestic deer park, marvel at magical quidditch or quench your thirst at J.R.R Tolkien’s favourite pub. Hope to see you soon.

Damion and Stan with a cup of tea

Crisis paid a visit

Dan the Ad man

Sanches and Edward popped in for a Crisis meeting

Combat Stress pay us a lovely visit

The Rachels have a quick chat

Jess and Sally came in to talk all things brand

Gary came in for a quick meeting

Adam and Sarah came in to talk Crisis at Christmas

Heather and Katie taking time out to discuss the website

Mark popped in to put the final touches to the Crisis TV advert

Claire brought Charlie into the office for a little visit

The musings of our minds
Updated 3rd February 2020

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The Spendlove Centre
Enstone Road

01865 203206

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